Almond Fondant Balls

This recipe is from Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes, a little chocolate cookbook printed in 1909.
- 2 1/2 cups of coffee A or granulated sugar [NOTE: this is how it is written in the cookbook]
- 1/4 cup of glucose
- 1/2 cup of water
- 1/4 pound of almond paste
- 1/4 pound of Baker's Premium Chocolate
- 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract
- 1/2 pound of Baker's "Dot" Chocolate
Put the sugar, glucose and water over the fire. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Wash down the sides of the kettle as in making fondant. Let boil to the soft ball degree or to 238° F. Add the almond paste, cut into small, thin pieces, let boil up vigorously, then turn onto a damp marble. When nearly cold turn to a cream with a wooden spatula. It will take considerable time to turn this mixture to fondant. Cover and let stand half an hour. Add the Baker's Premium Chocolate, melted over hot water, and knead it in thoroughly. Add at the same time the vanilla. The chocolate must be added warm. At once cut off a portion of the fondant and knead it into a round ball; then roll it lightly under the fingers into a long strip the shape and size of a lead pencil; form as many of these strips as desired; cut the strips into two-inch lengths and let stand to become firm. Have ready the "Dot" Chocolate melted over hot water and in this coat the prepared sticks leaving the surface a little rough.
Roll part of the almond fondant into small balls. Some of the "Dot" Chocolate will be left after dipping the almond chocolate sticks. Remelt this over hot water, and in it coat the balls lightly. As each ball is coated with the chocolate drop it onto a plate of chopped pistachio nut meats or of chopped cocoanut (fresh or dessicated). With a spoon sprinkle the chopped material over the balls.
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